"Box of Daylight" is written by Alaskan storyteller
Gene Tagaban. The original artist for the story fell through, but, as luck would have it, I received an e-mail from Turkish illustrator
Gokhan Okur. Gokhan and I "met" during an online monster-drawing competition. We talked about working together on a project but he first had to serve his time in the military. When the initial artist dropped out, an e-mail popped in my in-box from Gokhan, saying his stint was over. What great timing--and what a great artist to land! Below are the roughs for the first two pages of the story.

Hey Matt
Great idea for a graphic novel. I would very much like to get hold of a copy. Please let me know where I can purchase one.
Thx - mi'igwech
Actually Gene didn't write the story... it is an old Creation story in Tlingit Mythology. We performed in the Naa Kahidi Theater in Juneau, Alaska. Sonny Grant
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